POLLY'S BREW CO Monstercat - 440ml
Product Details
Okay, so we've explored our pyramid dry-hopping technique through all manner of our hazy new school beers, where do we go after there? Why not turn to the old school? Our head of sales is infamously fussy when it comes to West Coast beers; and after impressing him so much with our last effort, The Patina Effect, we were keen to strike again whilst the iron is hot, and Monstercat is the result. Featuring progressively smaller additions of Simcoe, Chinook, and finally Columbus in 20, 10, and 5kg additions respectively, this beer purposely accentuates each hop varietal, displaying the awesome resinous, piney, earthy notes that each bring to the table. To quote Arron himself, "Lads, this is a pretty special beer; well done". There we have it.
Since launching in early 2018 we have grown and adapted our setup to form a small but tight-knit team of ten running the day to day operations of the brewery.
Our motto is to never stop improving; we’re always learning and tweaking our beer designs to create the best beer we possibly can, packaged into only kegs and cans to optimise freshness and keep our beer tasting as fresh as it does from the source.